Monday, September 26, 2011

Bella Rustica Market...The Queen's Country Adventures at Tap Root Farms In Tennessee

Yee Haw! The Cranky Queen & her gal pal Dutchess Melanie traveled to Franklin, TN for the 2nd Annual Bella Rustica Market
Boy, did we have a "boot scootin'" kinda time!  Melanie even "got her cowgirl on" with her vintage red feed & seed straw hat, vintage hammered leather purse, & "dead pawn" turquoise & silver jewelry...
We headed down Hwy 65 North toward Nashville in the Cranky King's BIG RED truck & spotted a sign for Tin Top Antiques, located in Hartselle, AL...We had to stop & check this eclectic building out!

Melanie loved this old chicken feeder!

With the Flea Market Mag as a guide, we mapped out our day starting with the "Early Bird Arrival"@Tap Root Farms, home of Bella Rustica
The decor was just fabulous using an old foot board & dresser to greet us!
We were almost "junk drunk" entering the tent to see what kind of awesome goodies awaited us! Let the shopping begin!
 The Cranky Queen's Shoe!
 A adorable cowboy made this lighted arrow from West Vintage Trading Co.
 Re-cycled Jewelry that made you "weak at the knees!"
 Unbelievable Booth Displays!
 Loved the way these gals displayed their booth...most of these areas were in actual horse stalls!
 Cranky Queen purchased one of these bottles with the number 7 (her house address).
Look at this great Steer & old signs.  Loved it!
This purse vendor was Melanie's favorite.  These bags were absolutely beautiful made with vintage laces and antique change purses!
Sassy Trash is one of the Cranky Queen's favorite artist! Incredible sign and booth setup...

 Look at these fab vintage horsehair boots that I bought from a true cowgirl, Diann Rigsby "Cowgirl Couture"!
And I loved these tops!
 Melanie even found some red boots that she liked, but chose to leave them behind since she already had a red pair back home...
 We loved the setting of the farm and stalls. Take a look @ this beauty!
Check out the "country restrooms"!
The Cranky Queen sent the Cranky King a cell picture of this truck telling him that this was exactly what she needed to go junkin' in...
Mel & a familiar vendor that we met at the Country Living Mkt. in Stone Mtn. last year!
 We ventured out after the show to the Franklin Factory. Meet Rusty, the huge statue made from re-cycled items!

Tiff & Mel relaxing in the ENORMOUS rocker!
Waiting outside the Goodwill Store in Franklin to open!
 The Cranky Queen bought this awesome dress at Scarlett's in historical Franklin!

 This year, various types of unusual lighting were found everywhere!
Can you say FAB???
Cranky Queen & Dutchess Melanie's Motto!

We had a great "gal pal's" get-a-way.  We will definitely return next year...I forgot to mention that we enjoyed delicious food everywhere that we went, including Puckett's Groc. & Cafe, SOL Mexican, etc. AND we shopped at all of the local antique malls and shops! Tennessee or BUST!
Just remember...take time to have fun with your gal pals...a good friend is priceless...