Saturday, March 31, 2012

Whispers of Easter From The Past

The Cranky Queen really enjoys decorating for Easter. Like so many holidays, the fun is in opening the boxes that have been tucked away all year long. Saying "Hi" to the treasures that have been lovingly collected over the years.  Fond memories flood back & whisper in your ear...
The Hoppity book is new to this year's Easter decor

Isn't this little hand~made ceramic fella cute?

Open wide!

Old Easter Postcards are always fun to decorate with!
Collection of Paper Mache' Bunnies...

Peep Chalk Chick!

This "yella fella" reminds me of Easter Time during my childhood in the early 1970's!!!

These tiny S&P chicks w/ red berets were bought this years too!

May your Easter be filled with fond memories of days gone by...


Tuesday, March 27, 2012

This and That Rack

The Cranky Queen found this 1970's spice rack at a thrift store for 50 cents.  It was your basic brown wood...the spice bottles long gone or broken throughout the years. She had seen on Etsy or Pinterest, a similar idea using these little racks for storing nail polish. Thus, an idea was born!

So I spray painted the rack brick red...sanded it around the edges, & rubbed a walnut stain on it. The I printed off the words "This and That"...used my handy dandy hole punch and Modge Podged the circles into soda (or beer) tops..."grunging" the words so they looked old!
Just think of all the "odds n ends"... the "this & thats" that can be stored on this little rack.  Another recycle costing less than $1.00.  The Cranky Queen may be "Queen"...but she is a very frugal form of Royalty!


Saturday, March 24, 2012

Pansies...Lovingly Thinking of You

In the South, pansies are a "staple" flower.  Planted as early as November, they remain hardy until the heat literally "melts" them...which is typically April or May. I have always loved pansies...not only in gardens & pots, but in my decor. Pictured above is a fireplace tile that I found in Trussville, AL.
A forgotten this hand~sewn pansy potholder
Look!  It is reversible & typically hangs near my NILOAK Blue Pottery
Stunning, Vintage Pansy Paintings...If they could only talk, what a story they would tell hanging on my walls!

An artist from Foley, AL captures the innocence of potted pansies setting on a quilted tablecloth. I love the red background, contrasting the yellow flowers!

This yard long painting hangs above the door in the palace's guest room.  This picture only captures the center of the lithograph, but it is one of my favorite finds at a local estate sale!
 Heading to the outdoors, this fun little pot greets all of our guest. Royalty...of course!

Even a pansy Welcome Flag gently sways in the wind of the Cranky Queen's flower bed...

Potted Pansies on the Queen's side patio...
This picture is a "Mother's Poem"~another one of my vast collections.  Pansies are the perfect flower to reveal the love of "Mamma's...


Monday, March 12, 2012

May Good Luck Be Your Friend

"For each petal on the shamrock.
This brings a wish your way.
Good health, good luck  & happiness.
For today& every day!"
These are the Cranky Queen's thoughts for you this week...She wanted to share her St. Patrick's Day decorations.  It's always a fun holiday when your hubby is Irish! Yes, Cranky King is "Maternally Irish!!!"
Yes, you are seeing green...A St. Paddy's Day Vignette

A bowl full of hand~made shamrocks by Cranky herself! With a few clover cookie cutters & St. Patrick's Day vintage post cards tucked in....
 Love the old vintage post cards!
Isn't this little guy cute?

This horseshoe shamrock hanger is one that I made last year.  It hangs from the chandelier in the breakfast room.  I also made all of my gal pals one!

  This little sign hangs outside our side entry wishing all those who enter & leave good luck!

"May the hinges of friendship never grow rusty."
Irish Quote~Author Unknown

 This little guy is actually an elf, but I think he kinda looks like a leprechaun, relaxing in a potted fern on the kitchen cabinet...
An Irish Toast that hangs on the wall in our breakfast room!

Not an Irishdog in the bunch...
A French Lady, 2 from Mexico & 1 Japanese!
From L to R~ Sassafrass, Dixie Belle, Ruby (I didn't want my picture taken, so I'm closing my eyes) & Sadie (our Granddog).


Saturday, March 10, 2012

Furniture FaceLift

The Cranky Queen bought 4 of these nice sturdy chairs for $5 each at a yard sale.  In her haste, she immediately placed them in her booth at the local antique mall, The Pickle Patch Market and thought to her 'royal self '..."These will sell fast & the lucky buyer can recover & paint them as they please"...Well, they sat and sat and sat...

So finally her royal self brought them back to the palace for a "face lift'!  In the mean time, Duchess Melanie, informed the Queen that she had a table that matched perfectly...hence a "match made in furniture heaven!"

A coat of Kiltz &  SW Dover white paint...then wiped down with a walnut stain glaze. The final touch, striped fabric with brown tones!

This chair is now "fit for a Queen's throne!"

The table & chairs in the booth. SOLD!


Don't you just adore the vintage fabric on the seat!?!

 A fresh coat of light aqua~colored paint & some sanding...
             Ugly duckling transformed into a swan...

Hail to the Cranky Queen...she had a "face lift"...
well, at least the furniture did~
