Saturday, June 16, 2012

Who Says A Tool Belt Can't Be Cute!?!

The Cranky King & Prince Logan are strapping on our tool belts, rolling our sleeves up, getting paint~ splattered & working hard  to help those in need through the REACH WORKCAMP. This will be Logan's 3rd REACH trip, but it will the Queen's first! Our church, Sylacauga FUMC, will be traveling to Clinton, Tennessee (a small town just north of Knoxville) to help those folks less fortunate re-build &/or renovate their homes.  Check out the website above for details on the REACH Ministries.
So the Cranky Queen felt that she would need a tool belt or at least an apron to put her hammer, tape measure, & other cool tools in...I used a pants leg from a pair of cut~off overalls (yes, I am wearing my overalls one day to the work site) for the base; then I had some cuttings from an old feed sack (pocket); ticking fabric that I found discarded on the side of the road (apron strings); & "gussied it up" with a gathered denim flower and bow made with an old button and the seam of the feed sack!
A close up pic of the pocket
The "cuteness" is in the details of the floret & button ribbon!

Now that my tool belt/work apron is made....The Cranky Queen & Prince Logan are packed & ready to go!  I pray we will help change lives during our week in Tennessee AND our lives will be changed too...


Thursday, June 14, 2012

Kindness From A Stranger...

Even the Cranky Queen (who is only "cranky" sometimes) finds it hard NOT to be nice to people.  It is just in my Southern nature to be polite & kind... to friends or strangers.  But because there is so much hate, greed, & deceit in our world today, sometimes a random act of kindness is often hard to find...But, the Queen found a wonderful act of kindness in someone she had never met!

This adorable package arrived for me in the mail this week.  Inside, is the "act of kindness."  To back my story up a bit...I ordered a wonderful bracelet off of an Etsy site & it arrived in days...I was giddy with my new purchase...until, it fell on the restroom floor of the movie theater and shattered! I just wanted to cry...
 I contacted the designer of my precious bracelet describing what had happened...she immediately emailed me  & asked to repair & mail it back free of charge!  Who is the kind stranger?  
Theresa Hein from The Old White House When she returned my package, all of these items above were included & the bracelet was delicately wrapped in the hand~made bird pouch. Sniff....I wanted to cry again, but from sheer joy of knowing kindness still exists...even from a total stranger!
 This is the beautiful bracelet with a new clasp made especially for  
The Cranky Queen!
Even though I typically have no problem "speaking my mind", I love this
"Speak the truth even if your voice shakes!"
This is the sweet card that Theresa enclosed...kindness from a stranger!


Thursday, June 07, 2012

Well, Hey Ya'll...I know, it has been a while...The Cranky Queen is just swooning from her royal itinerary!  You know Queen's "busy", is MUCH BUSIER than the normal folk's~LOL!  Thought I would do a "quickee" post...just look at this flower...made from a tin can & a soda pop top!  Too cute & the gal had any color, size, & shape that you wanted...found this little darling in Gay, Georgia!
Look what the Cranky King made???  I was inside doing some light royal housework & missed him...found him in the basement banging away...
He later came out with this fun birdhouse made from old cypress (straight from Louisiana), an old license plate for the roof & a wooden dresser wheel as the perch~Looks fab sitting next to my vintage concrete squirrel!
Cranky King is selling these, if you are interested...
got to keep the royal vault full!

Look what the Cranky Queen made!  Found this seed sack (also in Gay, GA) and loved it...made a pillow to join my other feed sack pillows.

The King is still waiting on his feed sack pillow!  Is this not a great kidney bean burlap sack?  Next on my royal "to do" list!  My list is gets longer each time I "peruse" Etsy or Pinterest!

So I hope everyone' summer is off to a good start...already hot & humid down in Alabama...mosquitoes are swarming, lightening bugs are out and sweat is a pourin'! Southern & proud of it!
