Tuesday, December 11, 2012

A Wilderness Christmas

The Cranky Queen adores the Christmas season...Her "flair" for decorating ranges from traditional to vintage to funky!  Her majesty thought that you would enjoy touring her living room that is decorated in rustic, wilderness holiday joy...for the hunters in her family...
 ~ Cranky King & Prince Logan ~
 The Royal Mantle...

by The Queen...
Love this quote by Charles Dickens
These are Prince Logan's 1st rubber boots purchased by his Papa....
Trees made from old tin & drift wood are a few of the Christmas Tree Collection that can be found around the royal castle!
Stockings were hung by the chimney with care...
An old basket holds pine cones under the tree...
as you peer into its branches

Instead of an angel or star, the tree topper is one of Prince Logan's vintage corduroy hat that he wore as a little fell!
 The HUNTING SEASON ornament is so appropriate

So hopefully, the royal tour will continue as the holiday clock continues to tick down to the day of OUR SAVIOR'S BIRTH...Remember the true Reason for the Season!


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Friday, November 16, 2012

Funky Bottle Turkey

If you have read the previous blog by The Cranky Queen, you know that she has a "gander for the gobblers!"  Vintage turkeys only...her collection is quite extensive & she continues her search throughout the year for the odd & unusual. The above photo is depicts the "funky turkey".
To really understand the "birth" of this turkey, I need to back up to 2011 Country Living Market~Stone Mtn., Georgia...The Cranky Queen & her gal pal, Duchess Melanie are strolling the booths when they come across a box full of turkey heads...yes, you read correctly TURKEY HEADS! Various types, basically all the same size, some with stoppers attached...what were they? The corks of Wild Turkey Sample Whiskey Decanters.  So they each pilfered the box until they found a dozen or so of the "perfect turkey heads."  Their friend, Wise Wicked Wanda, thought they were crazy...thus the funky turkey was born!
 The turkey's wings are made from old keys & the body an old bottle~
A cute little pearl collar clip attaches to the key wings!
 The Queen filled the bottle with feathers~not turkey feathers, but hey, cute feathers!
The head dressing is constructed using brown boa feathers & the neck of the bottle is adorned with vintage gold fringe from some old curtains & a ratty burgundy covered button!
Wise Wicked Wanda received a funky turkey hand~made by the Cranky Queen...and she accepted in gracefully!  Too bad, we could not read her thoughts! LOL
~These are the 3 gal pals...Country Living Mkt. 2011 ~
Before the Turkey Head Hunt!


Monday, November 12, 2012

Let's Talk Turkeys & Thanksgiving!

 The Cranky Queen doesn't like to brag (well, yeah, I guess she does)...but she believes that she has one of the coolest collection of vintage turkeys in the South...From old postcards to salt & pepper shakers to napkin holders & flower pots...she's got 'em all...And the Queen is always on the prowl for a turkey that she does not have...she rescues those little holiday gobblers all year long from dusty antique stores to yard sales with hand made signs...
The turkey tray was snatched up for $2...a few "chigger bites" just shows character
 Love the blue feathers in the set of S&P's
The 4 small turkeys are new to the Queen's collection for only $4for the set~2012!

These turkeys have fabulous vibrant colors and add to the buffet decor in the dining room!

Old Thanksgiving Postcards can still be found for reasonable prices...The teal color on this set is very unusual!

 This Thanksgiving vignette graces the center of the dining room table...
 Love the old drawer filled with a variety of Fall decor!
Prince Logan helped with the decorations by lending me one of his turkey feather dressings that he shot last year. 

Speaking of Prince Logan...As a proud Mamma, I display his adorable turkey hand prints from years ago...The pilgrim & turkey planter above is another one of my "Little Logan" collections...
A collection of the vintage wax candles remind me of my childhood!
The chalky white pair are also new to my collection~2012!
One of the oldest in the Cranky Queen's collection, a navy & cream flower holder
 Fun Vintage Pilgrims in Blue & Gray...
...and yes, this year, the "hippy turkey" was found in an antique mall believed to be made by a "beginner" in a ceramics class in the 1970's
The Queen's art work from 1973...Her mother, Cranky Em, kept everything from her royal childhood.

So as 2012 draws to an end, I am thankful for many things...My faith, my family, my health, and the list could go on and on...May you and your family, have a blessed Thanksgiving Season!


Friday, October 19, 2012

Pot Heads At Garden Club?

The Cranky Queen was the hostess for The Camellia Garden Club.  The theme "COME BE A POT HEAD"~Decoupaging Flower Pots.  Pictured above is the flower pot that I created with tickseed planted in it...
Hostesses of the Oct. Garden Club Gathering~ Cranky Queen & Magnolia Pam     

Ladies intensely working on their
flower pots...Messy but Fun!

Work in progress...
Pam sharing the town talk...
Mrs. Mary Ann just turned 90 yrs. old!
 Finished Pots = Big Smiles
Thought I would share some of my Halloween Decorations with Ya'll!
Vintage Halloween Collection

Halloween Oldies

One of my latest finds, these jack-o-lantern napkins still wrapped in cellophane
This is one of my favorite little Halloween pictures...

                                                              Our Last Name is Steers...
So all the Camellia Garden Clubbers were "Pot Heads" for the day...Wow, we could be the "talk of the town" in our sleepy little village.
