Friday, February 04, 2011

Love Is In the Air...The Queen's Valentines Decor

"To love is to receive a glimpse of heaven."  This quote takes my breath away every time I read it.  I think that Valentine's Day should be every day...You don't have to have all the hearts, chocolate, roses & hoopla to express your love...But I have to admit,  I enjoy decorating for the "Season Of Love"!
 So, I am going to share some of the Vintage Valentines that "grace the Queen's palace."  I hope it inspires you & gives you ideas for your own sweetheart home decor.

This chippy, peely drawer sits on a rustic red stool that I bought from Elizabeth Ann's at Consigning Interiors in Pelham, AL.  The drawer was found on the side of the road in a trash pile!  I filled the drawer with handmade hearts (by me) that were "grunged" & then adorned with lace, buttons, & bits or bobs. Old Valentine's Cards tell us that love has been around for along time...
This is a picture of my son Logan's first Valentine's Day.  Look at my "poodle hair."  Of course that was the style in 1995!  The vintage pixie elf  is one of my favorites, found at a yard sale.

                           More "grunged" heart in a wood dough bowl...

A collection of old Valentine cards displayed on a fence that my friend Lisa gave me! I love the aged writing scribbled on the backs noting love from a time long gone. Flower frogs make the best holders.

"Will You Be My Valentines?" A question whispered through the years & still holds meaning today...

I had "grunge fever" last year.  I made the hearts and the adorable bee. You can find easy instructions on the internet on recipes for grunging using coffee, cinnamon & vanilla.
The Postal Service states that their mail increases during Valentines due to an abundance of "letters of love" being sent to love-ones across the map.  This is a mail bag filled with old Valentine's postcards and dainty little gray mice.  My dear friend, Melanie, made this and gave it to me to add to my collection.  Isn't it adorable!

I made this little cutey from an idea that I saw on "The Rusty Rooster's'" Blog. I made it with a valentine's from Graphic Fairy, a heart-shaped tin mold & old pieces of fabric & buttons. Very EASY!  

              A softer side of Valentines...The Cupid Doll was mine as a child.
Birds of a feather, flock together.  An adorable Valentine bottle that I made to sit in front of the bird cage that I purchased from "SassyTrash" at Lakewood 400 in Cummings, GA

  This is a piece of art that I painted at "Girls Night Out" at Studio T, a local studio, where you can book a party & paint with the talented owner & artist, Terri Ellis. Of course, I put some mixed media touches on it after I got home...I got the "high five" from both Cranky King & Prince, when I usually get "who painted that & what is it????"  HAHA...


        "You don't marry someone you can live with...You marry the person who you cannot live without."  Unknown      

I hope you have enjoyed my blog on Valentine's Decorating.  I would "love" for you to leave a comment!
This makes the Queen "not so cranky!"  I will leave you with this quote from Dr. Seuss "You know you're in love when you can fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams!"


  1. You have inspired me to get up and get busy making my valentine decor more 'fit for a queen'. Yours looks wonderful!!

  2. Hi Tiff, Your blog makes me smile with all the "cranky" references! Your collections are great and I must admit I'm quite jealous of all your steers!! New follower too! Smiles, Julie

  3. Your vintage Valentines are wonderful! I especially love the little fence to display them with!! I went to Angel's this week and there seemed to be vintage dogs everywhere but, no steers. I ended up bringing a little Boston Terrier home with me because he reminded me of one of our first dogs. Has Wanda brought you down to Angel's??


  5. Hi Tiff,
    Love your new blog, and all of your vintage Valentine wonderfulness!! Makes me want to go shopping for more vintage treasures. I left you a lengthy comment, on your comment :) over on my blog. Get in there and use that iron! And , have fun ; )
    ps: love your "girls night out piece" too!

  6. Your palace has such a great collection of vintage valentines and I love the mail bag and the old fence to display them!! Theresa xoxo

  7. I really love your vintage valentine decor! Everything looks amazing! This is my first visit to your blog I came over from Vintage Thingy Thursday.

    If you can please come by my blog for a visit I am having a big giveaway.

    :) Michelle

  8. I have some of Daddy's Valentines from when he was little:) AK gave them to me a couple of years ago. I should probably do something with them:) Love your blog:)

  9. A wonderful post for Valentine's. The vintage Valentine cards and grundge hearts are fabulous. The display in the old postal sack is one of my favorites. And, like it or not, many of us have pictures of "vintage" hair days. lol

    Thanks for linking to the party each week. Be sure to enter the giveaway, if you haven't done so yet.

    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage
