Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The River Is A Risin'...

The bridge crossing over the Mississippi River

How high will it get?
Rough Waters
If I had a nickel for every time that I traveled over this bridge, I would be a very rich lady! This is what locals refer to as "The Mississippi River Bridge" even thought many bridges cross this river down stream. My parents live 15 miles away.

Last week, the Cranky Queen had to travel to Louisiana crossing this well know bridge with a heavy heart! My Daddy, Cranky Papa, had surgery...Colon cancer...removed & a colon resection. He is doing well. He is a fighter at the ripe age of 76...& on the day of his surgery, this grand old river crested at record levels...but began to drop the very next day...God is good. I'm originally from Tallulah, LA...but Vicksburg, MS is a second home to me...This is where my parents come for most of their needs.
Old Glory Keeps Flyin'
Some areas were flooded...Some were spared...
This old Railroad Depot will be restored...
...And eventually the water will recede...  
This was a little scary crossing over this section of the bridge going east from Louisiana to Mississippi!
But the soldier stood his ground, watching over the rising river... 

Vicksburg is a very historic city...the Civil War was fought on these grounds. I wish that these homes could talk...oh what a story they would tell!

Belle of the Bends
 Bed & Breakfast
The architecture on the beauties are worn like a fine pair of pearls!

Cedar Grove...A Well Know Home In Vicksburg
She too watched over the River pleading for it to not break its banks!
Pictures cannot capture the beauty of these old homes...they stand tall & proud...they have witnessed life with all of its trials and tribulations...
The fences that surround these homes are majestic, daring anyone to enter without permission!
...And for those who have never visited Vicksburg, many of the streets are paved with old brick...
Hotel Vicksburg...No song written after this one, though!
The Biedenharn Family were the first bottlers of Coca Cola & were well known for their sweet treats~
...And architecture that makes your mouth water!...
I laugh out loud every time I pass this little salon...Love the name! 
Thank ya'll for touring Vicksburg, MS with the Cranky Queen.  Please keep my sweet Daddy in your prayers.  
Keep Calm & Levees Hold Strong!
Don't Forget About the Giveaway.  See the Older Post "Something to Crow About" & Follow Instructions.  Winner Will Be Announced May 29th!

Don't Be A Chicken, Enter Today!


  1. Beautiful Post Tiff! Gorgeous Pictures Too! Hugs,Tee

  2. Praying for a quick recovery for your dad.

  3. Thoughts and prayers for you dad! The big Mississippi keeps rollin' along and hopefully won't do too much damage! Thanks for a wonderful tour of Vicksburg!

  4. Thoughts are with you and your family! Thx for visiting missy! Still love your blog name best!

  5. Your images are amazing. We have just had record flooding here too. Keep safe and well! X

  6. Wow, that looks like an amazing and interesting city to visit. I enjoyed viewing the photos you took on your trip, and live 1 mile from the Mississippi in Minnesota. The levels are really high here too I'm afraid, and the rain over this past week-end, only added to its amount. Two days of solid rain storms and tornados, makes for more water flowing to the South. :( This has been a strange year for weather.
    I'm glad to hear that your Dad is doing well after his surgery. Nothing to do with cancer or surgery is ever fun. :( Nice that you were able to get home to be with your parents during this time, and that flood waters didn't prevent you from doing so.
    Thanks for the visits to my blog and for leaving your kind comments.

  7. Thanks for the great pictures of Mississippi!!! Hope your Dad will fully recover very soon!!!

  8. Hey CQ....Finally found a work-around to the Blogger "issue." As I said in my email - Wow, wow, and WOW!!! These are some remarkable photos - such a mix of beauty and tragedy. The architecture is unbelieveable....But oh - that old train depot....that just rips my heart out! Glad to hear they are going to restore it.

    My best thoughts, prayers, and wishes go to your dad and your family.

    Smiles & Big Hugs,
