Thursday, November 17, 2011

It's Time For Thanksgiving!

Can you believe that it is almost Thanksgiving!  I guess time flies when you are having fun!  Pictured above is my "Time Flies" pumpkin that I made using an old mens's suits & vintage buttons.  The stalk is a stick from a branch.  I tucked a 1980's watch with an old cutter doily in the pocket.
This pumpkin was the very first one that I made last year from burlap.  I used an upholstery fabric scrap from my bedroom pillows to complete the ruffle and leaves. Faux berries & a vintage owl broach surround the branch stalk. Not bad for the Queen's first attempt @ pumpkin making~
How does this quilt pumpkin "weigh in"? I made it from a cutter quilt.
Burlap leaves, buttons, & gold ribbon complete this oldie but goodie~
Finally, this little guy was made by my gal pal, Dutchess Melanie, from a vintage orange chenille bedspread.  The leaves are made from the backing of a cutter quilt. She used jute to form the pumpkin shape.

The Cranky Queen & Her Royal Family wish all of my blog friends a  
Blessed & Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. Such cute pumpkins! I love them. You are so talented! The repurposed use of smart!

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Way too much work for me, I don't enjoy sewing much anymore, but good on you! I love these. Sew cute!

  3. How sweet are these? I love every one of them, but my favorite is the one from the orange chenille bedspread. So cute!

  4. hey these are wonderful. A very Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family as well.
    I hope you have a great week.

  5. Cute, cute and soooo creative!! Each has its very own personality! And a Happy Thanksgiving to you too!!

  6. Gotta tell you, you rock the pumpkins Oh Cranky One! I'm in pumpkin love! Wishing you and your royal kingdom a blessed and peace-filled holiday as well! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin
