Saturday, December 17, 2011

Secret Santa Visits The Land of Dixie!

The Cranky Queen has experienced one of the most emotional weeks of her life.  I will enclose that story  another time.  Today is about giving and receiving!  And The Queen must have been a very "good girl", or at least that is what her Secret Santa thought~
I participated in the most fun and thrilling blog party ever this holiday season!  Suzanne Melkoski from Colorado Lady hosted the Secret Santa Soiree. Suzanne must have been filled with a lot of "holly jolly" to "wrap up" this enormous undertaking of planning, organizing, emailing, etc.  A Big HO HO HO goes out to her! Visit her fun blog to see what she is up to!
While I was in Louisiana, my Postman Elf left me a package sent all the way from WYOMING!
 My Secret Santa sent me the sweetest note with a bluebird as "her carrier."  She said that she was "out of her element" on choosing gifts for The Queen...but she knew exactly what I adored! The Perfect Elf...
Suzanne emailed all the participants a questionnaire to help give hints to our S.S...kinda like a Santa's wish list...One of the things that I listed was vintage Christmas decorations.  Check out these card board candy dishes from the 1970's (my childhood era) & look at the price stamp on the back~

I giggled with joy when I saw these gift tags and Old Saint Nick On A Reindeer ornament (still in the original packages!)

Made in Japan Tree toy. Can you see SANTA peeking out? AND how cool is this Clown ornament...My  childhood Christmas' memories flashed in my head like they were just yesterday!~
One of my many passions are primitives...& this little fella fits right in! He is perched under my wilderness tree. The wooden bell is perfect hanging in the boughs of my tree...It adds a little Jingle!
 I sang Halleluiah when I carefully opened this package.  Seventeen hand~made angel ornaments from years long forgotten...they were in perfect condition in every color & Ms. Wyoming gave them to me!
 & She kept on giving with this beautiful pocket watch!  The Queen was no longer Cranky!

 This little blue ornament reminds me of those that hung on my Nannie's tree years ago in LA on the bayou! Two other delicate ornaments were sent by my "oh so generous SS", but did not make the mailing journey...
Another wish was my love for Milk Duds & my fav scent "gardenia"
I cannot wait to see who my Secret Santa is...She was so generous...I believe she may be Mrs. Claus herself...A BIG Yee Haw to my Secret Santa!!!!!
I also wanted to show all of my blog friends that the giving continues...I was the winner of a re-purposed piece of jewelry by Debra Oliver from Common Ground
Is this not AWESOME!  I love this necklace incorporating a key with a little "bling", a tiny heart lock charm & a number tag.  So industrial with a little feminine~edge...The Cranky Queen will wear this with her charcoal turtleneck!
Thank you Debra! 

I hope that your Christmas Season has been filled with giving...



  1. Your Secret Santa did a great job! I love vintage decor too--this was a very squeal-worthy package!
    I saw your comment on Suzanne's blog--I am so sorry to hear of your loss.
    Praying for your family.

  2. Wow - what an amazing package of cranky goodness - fit for a queen!! Fun, fun, stuff....She must have had a whole army of elves out searching for all those wonderful vintage goodies. I think you may be right - your SS might be Mrs. Claus herself! And I ADORE that gorgeous necklace you won. Congratulations to lucky you!! I do not know what happened in your life, but from April's comment, it obviously is something very sorrowful. My thoughts and prayers for you my friend. Hope you are healing. Hugs ~ Robin

  3. You were right. Your SS did a good job. You know I covet the bowls, don't you? :-)

    And there you go again winning stuff again! I swear, you're the luckiest person I know. Makes me so jealous! I LOVE the necklace.

  4. Wow. What an amazing box of treasures!! I love can not do much better than vintage Christmas goodies! Those angels are just adorable. Merry Christmas!!

  5. Wonderful gifts from your Secret Santa! Those angels are so cute! And the Santa's, wow! What fun for you!

    Merry Christmas!


  6. Love your vintage Christmas items! I have the same ornament as your blue one, except with amber colored liquid in the center. You are lucky indeed!

  7. Your Secret Santa truly blessed you with so many great and vintage treasures. That was a very kind and generous Santa.

  8. I'm so glad to know you had a wonderful Secret Santa, because you were a terrific one to me! I searched all the blogs and never guessed it was you! Thank you so much for the lovely things you sent. I hope you saw my post about them.

  9. Glad to get caught up! I love all the Christmas goodies you shared!

    ~Mikey @ Shabby French Cottage
