Thursday, July 04, 2013

I'm Proud To Be An American!

Dixie Belle, Sassafras & Ruby Fawn celebrating the 4th!
Happy Independence Day! We are so blessed to be born in the great United States of America...and even though our country is going through a lot of "stuff" (The Cranky Queen will not talk politics on her blog), I know that IN GOD WE TRUST will get us back on the right track!
Above is a little "Star Spangle Banner" vignette 
to brighten up our gloomy Alabama weather
My fav is the elephant (hint~hint)
The crazed pitcher depicting a ship has been around for a long time.   I am not sure where I found this piece when living in Oklahoma, but I know I have had it for at least 20 years. I have always loved Americana collectibles...

An old Grapico soda bottle serves as a vase for flags

The little sailor girl says a prayer of American thanks 
Below are the pics leading up to The Steers' Annual July 4th Pup Pic...
Pic 1: Sassy & Ruby (in wagon) were not quite cooperating!
Pic 2: Our Grand Dog, Sadie, would not sit still for the "group pic"
Pic 3: D.B. decided to howl a little & look like she would chew your leg off
Pic 4: Ok, everyone gets a treat it they all look at the camera all at once!
Pic 5: Finally...the 2013 Annual Steers' Pup Pic

Last Year's July 4th Pup Pic

The Cranky Queen has been "MIA" for awhile...
I hope to start blogging more often...



  1. Long live the Queen! You have been missed. I know the Royal family has been very busy lately. Prince Logan has kept the King and Queen quite busy.

  2. Long live the Queen! You have been missed. I know the Royal family has been very busy lately. Prince Logan has kept the King and Queen quite busy.

  3. How darling do you dogs look in their festive attire!

  4. Oh your puppies are just too cute!
