Saturday, September 14, 2013

Baby Beds...Not Just For Babies Anymore

The Cranky Queen is the "Junk~Pile Jezabell"... always stopping on the side of the road to scavenge thru discarded items... This baby bed was 1 of her "fun finds"...she hauled off the headboard and 2 side rails (that will be a DIY project for later).  So after giving it some thought, she decided to make a hanger for caps, scarves, jewelry, or whatever blows your dress up!
 So this is what the headboard looked liked before
Then after cutting the legs off & sanding, it was ready to paint
The paint application is spray paint, distressed with a palm sander & stained with Minwax Walnut stain.

 This was a Broyhill brand baby bed. Love the details at the top.
  I used random knobs from my "salvage stash"
The hooks attached at the bottom were actually shower curtain rings that Cranky King helped transform into "handy~dandy hooks"...
So don't cry babies, there are plenty of recycling uses 
for those old baby beds!



  1. I love this blue headboard heartthrob rack!!! Creative Bliss...

  2. I just got see this in person! Wanda took me over to see your new booth! Be sure to look up Tommy next time you are in Angel's! Good Luck! I hope I finally get to meet you there one day!!
