Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Winter Mantle...Baby It's Cold Outside

 The Cranky Queen wanted to show all of her royal blog friends the castle's winter mantle...Even in the South, temperatures have been in the "teens" and this Southern Gal is freezin' her royal buns off!
 The white owl was a gift from Cranky Em (the Queen's Mother)
 The Great Room was transformed into a "Nature's Christmas" theme...can you see the turtle shell, pine cones, deer antler & feathers?
 These houses are made from bits and pieces of the outdoors
The snowman painted gourd is new to my collection
 This pottery ornament was created by a nurse friend of mine who is very creative.  The leaf imprint is a kudzu leaf.  For those that are not familiar with Kudzu, google it.  Very interesting vine!
 A side view of the winter mantle

 Cold weather in Alabama can get a little "prickly"!!!!
 Cranky Queen & King preparing the Royal Traditional Christmas Breakfast while Prince Logan shows off his newest gift...this Southern Boy knows how to keep his feet warm while hunting!
 The Royal Pooches try & keep warm during this bizarre winter weather, but Dixie Belle's sweater appears to be a little "tight"...too many Christmas calories makes the belly a little bigger!

So for all of you who experience COLD & FRIGID temps all winter long, I salute you...And for us Southerners who are "out of our element" with the COLD SPELL that has taken us by surprise, bundle up & ride it out...cause if you don't like the weather today in Alabama & surrounding states, blink and it will be totally different tomorrow!


You may see me link on to some of the Linky Parties on My Sidebar 

1 comment:

  1. Love the mantle...especially your collection of owls! Happy Winter!
