The Cranky Queen adores the Christmas season...Her "flair" for decorating ranges from traditional to vintage to funky! Her majesty thought that you would enjoy touring her living room that is decorated in rustic, wilderness holiday joy...for the hunters in her family...

~ Cranky King & Prince Logan ~
The Royal Mantle...
by The Queen...
Love this quote by Charles Dickens |
These are Prince Logan's 1st rubber boots purchased by his Papa....
Trees made from old tin & drift wood are a few of the Christmas Tree Collection that can be found around the royal castle! |
Stockings were hung by the chimney with care... |
An old basket holds pine cones under the tree...
as you peer into its branches
Instead of an angel or star, the tree topper is one of Prince Logan's vintage corduroy hat that he wore as a little fell! |
The HUNTING SEASON ornament is so appropriate
So hopefully, the royal tour will continue as the holiday clock continues to tick down to the day of OUR SAVIOR'S BIRTH...Remember the true Reason for the Season!
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