
Wednesday, May 04, 2011

The Drawing for the Giveaway Will Be Held Tonight By No Other Than the Cranky King!

All entries are in for this Altered Mother's Day Bottle.  Tonight, The Cranky King will draw a Lucky Winner! The Cranky Queen sometimes has to make him feel important around the Royal Castle. LOL

Also, Visit one of my Best Gal Pals, Wanda, over at her blog "Excuse Me While I Buy This Junk" http://shopjustvintage.com
She is a having a French Giveaway.
Wanda has linked up with Twice Remembered 
for her Annual Cottage Charm Giveaway the Entire Month of May!  Check it out...

Dixie Belle Says "It's Siesta Time...Somewhere!!!!"

Ruby Says "My eyes are getting very heavy...I think that I will take a lunchtime siesta on my 
Mexican Blankie!"

Sassafrass Says "I only speak French...No Spanish...What did those little Chihuahuas Say? "Je suis endormie..."
I am sleepy in French."

Stay Calm & Good Luck...Giveaway Results Posted Tonight!