
Sunday, May 15, 2011

It's Time for the 200 Follower Giveaway.... The Queen Has Something to Crow About!

"Cock-a-doodle-doo!"...The Cranky Queen has something to crow about...She is celebrating 200 Followers...Okay, it is time to take a curtsy...can you see my hand waving in the "queen kinda fashion"?

The giveaway contest will be very easy...No tricks needed!
1.  Become a Follower (if you like my blog) & let me know if you are already
     a loyal follower!
2.  Leave a comment telling me about a favorite chicken or rooster 
     collectible, a funny chicken story, or a favorite chicken recipe!
Gift #1 is an altered bottle made by the Cranky Queen with a "chicken theme."
My Daddy always said "to feather my nest!"
Top of bottle with burlap bow, buttons, & vintage ribbon & ball fringe

Close-up of chicken on torn musical paper
Back of the bottle with a vintage postcard

Gift #2 is a vintage chicken postcard! 
 Gift #3 is a yard of retro chicken fabric that was from a curtain panel!
So I know this giveaway is going to make you want to go out and feed the chickens!
 Okay...just think about it for a minute!
Even, chew on it for awhile...
Now, go ahead and jump for joy over the Giveaway!
...or go out and feed the chickens again!
I will be linking up over at Twice Remembered Cottage's blog http://twiceremembered.blogspot.com 
for her 5th Annual Cottage Charm Giveaway.  "Strut on over" & "roost awhile"!

I hope you will participate in my little "hen party"...if not, "the yolks on you!"
Giveaway ends May 29th

**Graphics used are courtesy of Flickr & Graphics Fairy**