
Sunday, April 03, 2011

Easter Chick...Handmade & From "Scratch"

I just love making these little peat pot baskets.  This one is for a friend who participated in "Play It Forward" on FaceBook. A couple of weeks ago, while we were eating out in one of our favorite local BBQ joints, she shouted across the restaurant..."Still waiting for that handmade gift!"  Well, little did she know, SHE was #4 out of #5 on my list & NEXT! 
I just love baby chicks.They are so fuzzy & delicate reminding me of "a new beginning." Perfect for the Easter Celebration of Our Risen Son!
I found this little vintage chick in a package of 4 at a thrift store early in the year. Isn't she adorable! I attached light green binding, a yellow covered-button & a mismatched earring for details.  The pictures are compliments from "The Graphic Fairy" & "Over the Rainebeau" Blog Sites.
My Little Logan at 2 yrs old. I hate to say it, but he was choking that poor bunny!

I rarely find postcards with boys. I found this cutie @ Vintage Dragonfly.
I hope you have a blessed week.  The weather in Alabama is wonderful...blessings from Above! Remember to enter my 100 Follower Giveaway.  See the last post for details.  Thank you to all that have already entered & left such nice comments!  The Queen is much less cranky!

My Sassy looks like a little Easter lamb.  A little"cranky" looking...Hey, what can I say, it runs in the family!  Keep Calm & Keep Junkin'...