During the past month, blog land has been filled with all forms & fashions of eggs, bunnies, chicks, spring time decor & more... making us all gasp with delight & head to our studios and work areas to create the newest craft, or to our potting sheds to plant a pot of colorful, breathtaking spring flowers!
While The Cranky Queen's parents were visiting from the Bayou State, we traveled to the well known "Petals From the Past" Gardens & Nursery in Jemison, AL. http://www.petalsfromthepast.com. This nursery has been featured in well known magazines, such as Southern Living & Southern Lady. Their popularity grew because of the heirloom & antique roses that are grown & sold there.
Isn't this pot fabulous? The twisted plant in the center came home with me...
This is a view of the plants for sale...If you plant it, they will come!
While The Cranky Queen's parents were visiting from the Bayou State, we traveled to the well known "Petals From the Past" Gardens & Nursery in Jemison, AL. http://www.petalsfromthepast.com. This nursery has been featured in well known magazines, such as Southern Living & Southern Lady. Their popularity grew because of the heirloom & antique roses that are grown & sold there.
Heirloom roses are rooted or propagated from roses existing at the turn of the century & taken from old home places & estates. These roses are resistant to pest & their scent are much more pungent than the hybrids of today. These roses are cuttings from our past & rooted for our lives today.
Petals From The Past specialize in all types of plants, varying from herbs to fruit. The neat thing is...you can actually see these plants in flower beds, climbing on trellises, rooted in ponds, grown in vegetable gardens & potted in containers all centered around the old farm house that displays unique garden accessories.If you are like me, I often need a "visual" to see it...
Isn't this pot fabulous? The twisted plant in the center came home with me...
I just love this little rustic house with the tin roof & window box!
I fell in love with the cabbage patches & herb gardens with the concrete & terracotta roosters & bunnies.!
Look at the fence in the background behind the bunnies?
The Signature of God is Written In Flowers...
Take Time to Stop & Smell the Roses...
This is a view of the plants for sale...If you plant it, they will come!
Primitive trellis with heirloom roses growing up one side...
The porcelain orbs came in many sizes & colors. The Queen loves blue...
From our Southern home to yours, The Royal Cranky Family
send you Easter Blessings...