Lucky Charms!!! |
May You Find Gold At the End of Your Rainbow! |
Kiss Me, I'm Irish... |
I enjoyed making these grunged shamrock ornies from men's old suits, eyelet shirts that I purchased from the local thrift store & adding bits & bobs for fun!
These shamrocks hang from our breakfast room chandelier, along with a rusty horseshoe attached to a sham that I made wishing all that enter our home good luck...
Thrift store find...How "lucky" I cigarette burns.
Vintage Irish Postcards Sent Across the Miles Long Ago
IRISH PRAYER: May you be in Heaven a half hour before the devil knows you're dead!
Don't let your "bloomers" be caught down & flapping in the wind!
from The Cranky Queen & her Scot-Irish Family.
The Scot-Irish Freckled Prince Logan