
Thursday, March 10, 2011

Oh Me, Oh My...I Was Awarded with the "Stylish Blogger" Award!

I won, I won the "STYLISH BLOGGER AWARD."  I feel like "royalty"; oh, I almost forgot, The Cranky Queen is Royalty!  The Queen is not so "cranky" now!  Many thanks to Lauren at http://WestFurnitureRevival for awarding me with this flattering award.  Please visit her to see the amazing things that she is doing!

Rules of this award are:
  • Thank the person who awarded you, & link back to them on your post.
  • Share 7 things about yourself.
  • Award 7 recently discovered blogs.
  • Let them know they received the award & spread the love!
HHHHMMMM...I have many things about myself that I would love to share (being the Queen & all), but for everyone's sake, I will limit it to seven.
1. I love to craft using re-purposed junk & bits & pieces from the past. My passion is antiquin', junkin' & decorating. 

2. I think God' plan for me is to help others.  I really enjoy sharing & spreading love with my friend, family & strangers that I meet along life's journey.
3. My "gal pals" make my life complete.  Some people come into your life and leave unnoticed, while others leave their footprints on your heart forever...
 4.  My husband has put up with me for almost 23 years. He deserves an award!!! He is my "soul mate." I love to be pampered & romanced.
5. I'm a "winer."  I admit it....I love a good glass of Reisling or White Zin.  I am the Wine Queen!
6.  I am a dog lover...Any type of dog, but especially chihuahuas.  Oh, and the shelter mixed breeds that need homes so badly!  Adopt a Pet today!
7. Overalls are my signature junkin' attire.  I love overalls on babies, old men working in their garden with floppy sun hats, women strolling down the street & on me!
I am awarding the Stylish Studio Awards to:

1.  A Little Bit French http://alittlebitfrench.blogspot.com
2.  Attic Rat http://atticrat.blogspot.com
3.  Excuse Me Why I Buy This Junk http://shopjustvintage.com
4. Mudpies & Marigolds http://mudpiesandmarigolds.blogspot.com
5. Noveaux Portmanteau http://nouveaux-portmanteau.blogspot.com
6. OkieChic http://kimsokiechic.blogspot.com
7. Todolwen @ http://todolwen.blogspot.com

Keep Junkin"...Share the Love...Keep Calm & Carry On! The Cranky Queen Has Spoken!