
Thursday, June 16, 2011


If the crown fits,wear it!  That is the Cranky Queen's favorite motto... I have been a "lucky ducky" or as Cranky King says "Winner, Winner ~ Chicken Dinner!" I would like to share with you the wonderful creations that have been bestowed upon me as the winner of giveaways in world of blog land...

FIRST OF ALL...Lemay at Leaping Frog Designs sent by royal mail a beautiful handmade envelope book of amazing items to adorn whatever strikes the Queen's fancy. Oh, it is so good to be Queen!
The cover of the book...so delicate & feminine
Each page was filled with beautiful graphics

A book "fit for a Queen!"
A "royal" thank you to Lemay.  Visit her blog; it is breathtaking!

SECONDLY, Trisha from Glass Slippers & All Sorts of Stuff was my swap partner in the Initially Yours Swap.  Looked what arrived in the mail by the "royal carrier"... "T for Tiffany" created just for the Queen...
Adore these roses tucked in the corner...

Trisha asked what I liked in an email.  One of the first things that I mentioned were dogs...Look at this adorable spotted pup that she found at an antique store!
Buttons with crowns...It's hard to be the Queen, but someone has to do it!

A vintage hankie that can be taken off & used...
A burlap flower made my Trisha & old crocheted laced & sheet music to add that vintage touch. Visit Trisha's blog to see what she enjoys to do....
YES, THERE IS A THIRD!  Michelle from Ispirato Design had a fabulous giveaway...Drum roll, please!...of a charcoal portrait of your pet!  And the Cranky Queen won...I live a charmed life!
I emailed her several pics of Dixie Belle & she chose this one
How talented is Michelle?

You must check her blog out! She also takes special orders for pet portraits! King Cranky is getting this for one of his Father's Day gifts.  Dixie Belle is "his" dog & I know, he will absolutely love it!  Thank you so very much, Michelle!
Have a Wonderful Weekend & Please Browse the Wonderful Blogs That Have Been So Generous to me...The Queen Is No Longer Cranky!